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CBC & ISES invite to the first ever "CleanTech Business, Finance & Science Leaders Joint Forum"

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

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We are privileged to invite our CBC Members & Partners to the first ever CleanTech Business, Finance & Science Leaders Joint Forum by CBC & ISES “Scaling Up Together Towards 100% RE” a part of ISES Solar World Congress 2021.

The Forum will discuss strategies for 100 % RE, actual pathways to 100%, up-scaling of production, by having industry, finance and science leaders discussing a joint roadmap -> aiming at establishing a Joint Task Force between CleanTech Science, Finance and Science Leaders.

Place: Virtual Event

Date: 25 October 2021

Time: 16:00 – 18:00 (CEST)

Registration Fees: 40 Euro (free of charge for SWC2021 attendees)

Participation restricted to CBC Members & Partners


1. Honorary Welcome by Monica Oliphant

2. Keynotes by Prof. Eicke R. Weber & Dr. David Renné

3. Panel Discussion:

  • Science Point of View

  • Finance Point of View

  • Business Point of View

4. Q&A

5. Brainstorm on Next Steps including a Joint Task Force



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