Historical moment and the campaign are around the corner as #JointManifesto2030: Forging a Unified Path of Women and Men in the CleanTech Decade #TogetherWeAreStronger that will arise at our joint "The 1st World Women Empowering The CleanTech Decade Summit #TogetherWeAreStronger" held on October 4, 2023 at RenewX Expo & REI Expo 🇮🇳 and online on CBC dedicated webpage https://lnkd.in/dzy73gY4 and through Social Networks of partnering organisations Women Energize WomenDii Desert Energy / Desertec3.0Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbHIndo-German Energy Forum (IGEF)Hydrogen Egypt (H²Egypt) and many others.

It is follow-up of our #Declaration2023, #TogetherWeAreStronger Initiative as well as our CleanTech Business Club's #EmpoweringWomen Hub activities from 2018 where equality is fundamental, both empowering women and men as change-makers, leveraging diverse perspectives and talents to shape a sustainable and regenerative future.
You will find more information and #JointManifesto2023 on our website https://lnkd.in/dzy73gY4.
After the Summit (which also will be available on demand) the #JointManifesto2030 will be welcoming signatures and support of other organisations, #solar, #greenhydrogen, #windenergy and all #cleantech, companies, but also the general public as #TogetherWeAreStgoner !
Thank you dear leaders of our CBC Empowering Women Hub:
Honorary Chair: CleanTech Mama 🇺🇸 Mary O'Donnell
Chair Batterywali Dr.Rashi Gupta 🇮🇳 and Co-Chairs in Charge of:
and other CleanTech Women Leaders Alicia EastmanVictoria Alexandratou KernerFrancesca ShirleyFlorence Rousson MompoValeria Maria AruffoSharzi MukhriLaure-Aline BaheuxMadalena Callé LucasMaria FennisNienke HomanPaula MintsMaria Marta GeraldesPaula Cristina Riveros PérezYasemin TERLEChristine LinsMani KhuranaAnn MettlerLaurence Boisramé
Please feel free to contact me or one of our leaders or partners to be a part of #JointManifesto2030, and/or to join our post-summit "Women and Men Empowering The CleanTech Decade Together #TogetherWeAreStronger Campaign"
Thank you REI Expo India Team Pallavi MehraYogesh MudrasAmit VatsRajneesh Khattar for giving us the most amazing platform to host the summit 🤗
Last but not least you can see below our Women Empowering CleanTech Decade Session at REI India Expo 2022