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Privacy Policy & Terms of Use



The CLEANTECH BUSINESS CLUB website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”) is operated by CleanTech Business Institute, (hereinafter referred to as “CBI”).

The current privacy policy was drawn up in order to describe and demonstrate the Website’s policy towards protection of information displayed on it. If, for any reason, the privacy policy of the Website needs to be changed or updated, the respective changes or updates will be introduced on the Website in the current section. The users subscribed to the newsletters will be notified about the changes by means of the newsletters; others will have to check the privacy policy from time to time on the website.


Information collected

The Website is accessible to any user interested in information displayed on it. Users can browse the Website without registering on it or disclosing their personal information.

CBI may use the e-mails of its users subscribed to the newsletters to inform them about its activities or new services introduced or planned to be introduced on the Website, to conduct surveys or to report any violations of its or any user’s rights. CBI will not share any personal information of its registered users with third parties without the consent of the user in question.


Privacy: children

The Website does not knowingly dispose any data, information or videos which it intentionally keeps from children under the age of 13.


Disclosure of information: legal requirements

If so required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary, CBI may need to disclose personal information of its users in order to conform to the requirements of the law and to comply with legal processes served on the website.


Possession rights: transfer

CBI will transfer the rights of possession of all or part of its assets in case CBI or one of its affiliates is acquired.


Links to other sites  

This Website contains links to other sites or information, videos, design, music, photographs and other related materials or items originating from the third parties. CBI accepts no responsibility or liability for them, or for the possible consequences of using information on these sites. Furthermore, all users who follow the third party links displayed on the Website are recommended to get acquainted with the privacy policy of these sites, as the privacy policy of this Website does not extend to third party sites.


Contact and feedback

CBI aims to provide its customers with qualitative services and user friendly websites. Therefore, CBI is encouraging its users to provide their feedback and suggestions. All users can do so by sending a message to news(at) CBI reserves the right to contact those users and to use their suggestions or any other offers made by them for its own purposes, in any form, for the current or its future websites on a perpetual basis without any remuneration to the users.


Security of information

The security of the personal information of our users (e-mail addresses) is one of the top priorities of CBI. 

CBI grants access to its database of e-mail addresses only to those employees who are in charge of a specific mission or directly of the Website. CBI’s employees are kept informed about the privacy policy and security requirements of this Website and about any changes introduced to them.

All users are encouraged to send e-mails to CBI at membership (at) (or through the below contact form) if they have any questions about the security or privacy policy of the Website.




The Terms of Use, recited in this section, regulate the main principles, terms and conditions of using the current Website. By accessing or using the Website, users give their consent to be bound by these Terms of Use.

If, for any reason, the Terms of Use of the Website need to be changed or updated, the respective changes or updates will be introduced on the Website in the current section. The users subscribed to the newsletters will be notified about the changes by means of the newsletters; others will have to check the Terms of Use from time to time on the Website.

Users shall terminate using the Website if they do not agree with the current Terms of Use.


Posted content: general information

The information about people, events, companies, news and other related materials or files, including videos and films, that is displayed on the Website originates with individual persons, companies and organizations, which have supplied it to CBI for publication. As a general rule, CBI has no possibility to verify the correctness and completeness of this information. While we encourage users to report inaccuracies to us (news(at) we accept no liability for losses or damages of any kind arising from incorrect information or use of information retrieved from the Website.

The contents of the Website are protected by copyright law. Further publication or free distribution of information retrieved from this website may only take place following explicit agreement with CBI.


Posted content: user conduct

By accessing and using the Website, users undertake not to use the Website in a manner which can overburden or harm it.


Copyright infringement

CBI reserves the right to block or delete any kind of information of an abusive, illegal or irrelevant character without notifying its owner. CBI can take a legal action in case of any violation of its rights or damage to the Website and its content or its operation.


Links to other sites

This Website contains links to other sites or information, videos, design, music, photographs and other related materials or items originating from the third parties. CBI accepts no responsibility or liability for them, or for the possible consequences of using information on these sites. Furthermore, all users who follow the third party links displayed on the Website are recommended to get acquainted with the privacy policy and terms of use of these sites, as the current Website’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use do not extend to third party sites.



CBI is the sole owner of the Website and all its contents, including its design, information, data, databases, templates, images, videos, sounds, texts and other materials and files which are created and displayed on the Website.


Relationship between the parties

Users/visitors of the Website by no means have the right to represent it or CBI or accept any offer on CBI’s behalf. Exceptions are possible following an explicit agreement with CBI.


Privacy policy

CBI hereby incorporates by this reference its full Privacy Policy statement which is displayed on



The current Website and its contents are available “as if”. Therefore, CBI bears no warranties or responsibility of any kind for any or all loss from using the Website, for any or complete damage of all or any information, materials, files, videos, photographs and what more displayed or created on it or for its inaccessibility, partial or full. CBI disclaims any warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and against violation of any rights, including intellectual rights of any kind. The Website may contain viruses and other harmful components or defects, incorrect, false or outdated information, videos, photographs or any other materials or files or links to other parties. CBI accepts no responsibility to verify or correct the information displayed or created on the Website. Hence it is the sole responsibility of its users or visitors to verify the information provided or to decide whether or not to use it for their own purposes, be it business or personal.

CBI does not expressly or intentionally violate the laws or jurisdiction of any country and will not bear responsibility if such a violation occurs.



CBI, its employees, partners, subcontractors and other agents are in no event liable for any loss, be it economic, financial, social, direct or indirect, loss of information, software, programs, videos, photographs or of other materials or files and what not, to any party, which may arise from the use of the Website, its contents, or any links posted on it.


Change of control

CBI will transfer the rights of possession of all or part of its assets, in case of a sale of CBI or one of its affiliates to its acquirer or in the event of a change of control.


Entire agreement

The current Terms of Use represent a complete agreement between CBI and any of its users or visitors and regulate all the relations between them.


Contact details

CBI’s personnel can be reached at 


CleanTech Business Institute 

15 rue des Halles 75001 Paris 

SIRET 887 533 347 00019 

network (at)

+33 778 36 28 53


or through the contact form 

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Thanks to Our Faithful Partners !

© Created by CleanTech Business Institute

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