Sponsorship of the CBC Legacy Impact Series
Become a sponsor of the CBC Legacy Impact Series, a visionary initiative bringing together global leaders from the CleanTech, Clean Hydrogen, and Clean Water sectors.
This multi-year project fosters collaboration, creates actionable roadmaps, and drives multi-trillion-dollar opportunities for innovation and sustainability.
Why Become a Partner or Sponsor?
1. A Multi-Year Initiative Driving Global Impact through four Flagship Projects:
Quo Vadis Clean Hydrogen? #RemovingTheBox (Book + Film + Platform: QuoVadisCleanHydrogen.com)
StorageVersity - Diverse Routes, United Vision (Book + Platform: StorageVersity.com)
Clean Water: The Multi-Trillion Blueprint (Book + Platform: CleanWaterBlueprint.com)
The Future - Towards The Regenerative World (Book + Film + Platform: TheRegenerativeFuture.com)
2. Unmatched Visibility & Brand Recognition
Prominent branding and global reach across the Books, Documentary Films, and Interactive Platforms, achieving “Reaching Out To Millions.”
Enhanced exposure through CBC’s marketing campaigns, reaching over 930,000 professionals worldwide, with amplified visibility via CBC’s strategic partners' networks.
Extensive brand presence and speaking opportunities for Company Executives at international events, including Books’ Reveals and Roadshows, Films’ Premieres and Screenings.
VIP access for company representatives and key partners, fostering connections with global policymakers, investors, and industry leaders.
3. Thought Leadership & Industry Influence
Exclusive editorial features in the Books and Annexes, showcasing your vision, technology, and flagship projects.
Company Executive insights spotlighted in the Documentary Films.
Opportunities to engage in the filming process, including on-location shoots at your facilities or projects, highlighting your contributions to the initiative.
Participation in masterclasses, panel discussions, and TV interviews, positioning your company as a thought leader in sustainability and innovation.
For detailed Sponsorship Packages and additional information or to discuss a custom-tailored package, please reach out to Alicja Slusarz or Julieta Tao (for Chinese companies)
We look forward to partnering with you as #TogetherWeAreStrogner!

Multifaceted Influence and Dissemination
Reaching Out To Millions!
(Example of Quo Vadis Clean Hydrogen)

Reaching Millions Through Multiplying Impact
CBC Members & Partners (H2H) Networks:
190+ Trusted CBC Members in 41 Countries
33.400+ in our H2H Networks
CBC Weekly eNewsletter (64.800+ subscribers)
CBC Social Media:
LinkedIn (through all accounts, newsletters and groups): (910.000+ Connections)
Youtube (2.700+ Subscribers and 738.000+ views)
Flickr Photo Galleries (963.000+ views)
X (former Twitter) (11.400+)
Totalling at 960.000+ B2B connections around the world
… and “Reaching Millions Through Multiplying Impact” through social media and communication channels of our CBC Family Members & Strategic Partners as #TogetherWeAreStronger